Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Technical Skill Online 🧑‍💻🖥️

Throughout the project, I encountered a lot of technical problems. In this post, I will tell you how I solve the issue. 

Problem: The layout for my Google Docs Embed is too small to be seen

In one of my blog post (The Statement of Intent), I put an embedded Google Docs into the post. I tried using the "embed" code so that you can scroll down the file without entering the link

This is the link to the video:

In this video he shows us how to embed the link and how to resize the image

How to embed in Windows:
1. In the google docs, go to file > share > publish to web
2. Select embed and copy the code
3. Create a blog post
4. Go to < > icon and select HTML view
5. (*optional: Create a new row by pressing ENTER) then paste your code

How to embed in Apple:
1. In the google docs, go to file > publish to the web > click "publish"
2. copy the embed code
3. Create a blog post
4. Go to your HTML view
5. then paste your code

1. Find the code embedded=true"></iframe>
2. Press SPACE on the code (before the >) embedded=true"[HERE]></iframe>
3. Insert your desired width and height (format: width=#### height=####></iframe) example: embedded=true" width=800 height= 1200></iframe>

And the result should be like this, great success 👏👏

REFLECTION: I admit it was a lightwork to figure it out thanks to Youtube. This resizing can be applied to any sort of files such as PDF or Slides, but I can't guarantee whether the method of doing this would be the same as the way for GDocs. But for GDocs I can confirm and guarantee you that it is working properly and now I am very satisfied with the results. This post is still ongoing, so I will expect some additional content for it in the future of my working.

Problem: The space between the line of my blogs is too long

In one of the recent feedback my teacher gave me, he told me that my space between lines are too long and he wants it to be shorter.

This is the link to website that helps me to fix the problem:

In this website, they show us the step-by-step on how to alter the size of the space between lines in a blogger post.

Here I change the line-height from 1.2 to 1.0 (1).

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