Monday, 18 September 2023

Final Storyboard


SELF REFLECTION: I am satisfied with my work. The drawing may need a good amount of improvement, such as the anatomy of a human body, the background, objects, etc. Drawing is one of the hardest thing to do for me personally as I am still lacking on the basic like, shapes. I faced challenges such as not enough utensils and time management. This project helps me improve my time management skills, although I might still procrastinate but I manage to get the storyboard done on the deadline. The one that really struggles me is making the critical self reflection as I forgot on things, like why I did this or what is the reason to this. Overall, it was an interesting project to do.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Critical Self Reflection - Storyboard


Presented By: Haresha Wijaya by Haresha

Here is the link to the canva just incase it fails